Be each other’s medicine.
It was in the way he touched me, it has always been in the way he touched me…assertively and completely so that I had no choice but to yield, yet so sensitive to the connection with my skin, and immediately plugged into my internal world…carefully, generously present with me in every moment.
His touch spoke words to my body that lips could never translate, I learned to yield my whole self to his hands, his weight, pressure, strength, sensitivity and masculine presence.
…and in return I would offer my own hands, my body weight, attention, nurture and feminine presence…in a reciprocal dance where we were both agreed to our best when giving to the other…and OH were we good for each other then, in ways you wouldn’t expect, our regard for each other expanded as we experienced new dimensions within ourselves, each other and our relationship.
Sure, there are some things to understand about technique and some fundamental principles to apply, to really affect the underlying tissue and begin to change the mind and the flow of consciousness like he did…I taught him…very simply and in this way, we became powerful medicine for each other.
“Often times the hands will solve a mystery the intellect has struggled with in vain”
Carl Jung
Learn a key piece of bodywork that is perfect for the context and container of a relationship, your intimacy opening a door to sacred work.
Focusing very simply on the front body and what is known in connective tissue terms as the DEEP CORE LINE.
Deeply connect each other with your
Release tension, contraction and emotional residue
Restore and strengthen the nervous system
Elevate your perspective
…Not just massage and not just neo tantra stuff.
Practical, purposeful and powerful, because wow do we need it, in a world a lot like shifting sand, BE EACH OTHER’S MEDICINE
To see more of what to expect, view this youtube link
or view her website
22 – 23 February 2025
Investment per couple: R4444
For booking and queries, contact Candace –